A pint-sized rescue, operated by a pint-sized human, helping pint-sized animals.
Proudly serving the Palouse area of Washington and Idaho.
Mission Statement:
A Pint-Sized Rescue’s mission is to aid any small mammalian exotic animal in need within the Palouse and surrounding areas, giving each a fighting chance through health, safety, love, compassion, and commitment.
Core Values:
A Pint-Sized Rescue will never turn away any animal in need, but rather provide guidance to the appropriate resources if the animal does not fall into our categorization of 'small mammalian exotics,' or if we are unable to provide the appropriate help for the animal. We will always provide the best care possible to all animals within our care, to include proper housing, nutrition, and veterinary medicine. We will show unconditional love, affection, and patience to all animals, no matter their history. We will always guarantee safe placement into future homes and a promise to every animal who comes through our rescue that they will always have a place here with us should those homes fail to work or should they be considered unsuitable for placement. Individually, we might not have the power to change the whole world, but we have the power to change their world.
Size Doesn't MatterThese pint-sized critters make the very best of pets. Rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and other small exotic mammals are far more intelligent than media has previously led society to believe. Many species are highly social, emotionally intelligent, and easily trainable. Did you know that you can litter train most exotic mammalian species? And that's just the start of it!
Click the tab below to see who you can start bonding with today! |
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Interested in Helping in Other Ways?
As a small, private, not-for-profit rescue, nearly all expenses are covered by our personal income from part-time work outside of rescue care. These expenses include, but are not limited to, feed, bedding, chew toys, enrichment toys, vitamins/minerals/supplements, veterinary appointments, medications, cages, and additional setup elements.
We have two Amazon Wishlists, one with "essential" items and one with "enrichment" items, ranging from surprisingly inexpensive to quite expensive, to give donors plenty of options to choose from. Our greatest needs are always Oxbow lab blocks (mouse and young rat or adult rat) and paper-based or aspen bedding/litter. Please consider donating an item from our wishlist or donating to our veterinary funds. Many thanks from myself and all our pint-sized critters. |
Donate and receive a sticker honoring our founding rat, Wyatt, and proudly share that you helped a pint-sized critter!